Code for Inclusion aims to get like-minded young people - both disabled and non-disabled - working together to:
Design tech that is more inclusive
Design tech that promotes inclusion
Influence coders, user experience designers, and other people in the technology industry to have more inclusive practices
Learn skills and develop confidence around coding and tech.
Being included is a right, not a privilege
Code for Inclusion is part of #ShareOneWorld, KEEN’s nationwide grassroots campaign which promotes inclusion through young people focusing on projects in their own community.
Technology is more important than ever, and right now, too many people are left behind.
Whether it’s easy-to-use video calls, safer online platforms, or increasing internet access, Code for Inclusion will make technology more accessible for everyone.
Get involved!
Become a #CFI volunteer
There are lots of ways you can make an impact on the Code for Inclusion campaign. Scroll down to check out some of the volunteering opportunities available now. Whether you would like to help with one of our current projects or contribute your own new ideas, we would love you to join.
Calling all technology companies
If you are in the tech sector and would like to support Code for Inclusion, please contact us too! We are looking for companies to help us support a mentoring framework for our first cohort of coders, and sponsors to help cover the overheads of this project.
Become a Project Participant
One of our main goals for Code for Inclusion is to design technology that promotes inclusion and to influence the tech industry to do so as well.
There are lots of ways that you can help achieve this goal. Below are just a few ideas, but if you want to try something new, go for it! We’ll be here to provide you with guidance, and a helping hand along the way.
Start your own tech project.
Design an app, information leaflet, or new website that focuses on inclusion.
Work with a tech company
Come up with idea and strategies to improve their website, product or services.
Help the KEEN UK team! We would love behind-the-scenes help from avid techies!
Potential project ideas
Accessible Web App Coding
Accessible Mobile App Coding
Portfolio Coding
Data Analysis in Python
Creative Coding
Lego Robotics

Meet our Code for Inclusion Team!
Exciting new developments at KEEN include our brand new branches at University College London and Warwick University! We’re really looking forward to working with these teams as they lead the Code for Inclusion project and help us reach our goal of creating an online environment that is accessible for everyone.
We welcome all young people in the UK with a passion for inclusive technology to join our UCL and Warwick branches. There are loads of different ways you can get involved and help support Code for Inclusion. You don’t need to be associated with the University or live locally to be part of the team, so please don’t hesitate to sign up!
The KEEN UCL page is officially live! Check it out here to learn more about the work that they’re doing and how you can get involved: https://www.keenuk.org/ucl