KEEN Team contacts


Office phone: 07729 286 992 (Mon, Wed, Fri, 10am-12pm/4pm-5pm) | Email: | Office address: KEEN, St Clement’s Centre, Oxford, OX4 1DA | Follow us: @LOVEinclusion

Abi Owen | Programme Manager |

Rupert da Silva | Director |

Katie Forsyth | Inclusive Communities Manager (Oxfordshire only) |

Maxime Ryder (they/them) | Impact and Development Officer |


General contact form


Complaints and Compliments

Please see KEEN Policies and Procedures for full guidance on complaints and compliments. If you have a complaint that cannot be resolved directly with our staff team, you are able to contact our chair of trustees Jim McMahon directly at: We welcome compliments too, of course!




It is easy to find out more about KEEN. To get started, simply register below to receive our weekly KEEN bulletin and get information about KEEN activities online and at your local branch. You can use this to try KEEN out and join on an ongoing basis. If you have further questions, you can also get in touch by email.