What is the Community Buddies Programme?
KEEN Community Buddies is all about promoting inclusion in the community through friendship and social connection!
After the successful start of our Oxfordshire buddies programme, we decided to launch a virtual UK wide buddying scheme.
Both our Virtual and In-Person buddying schemes have been incredibly popular, it is amazing seeing all the adventures these friendships have been going on!
We need even more Buddy volunteers so as many young people as possible can take part – click on ‘Be a Buddy’ if you can help :)
We create 1-1 connections between people looking to make a new friend. Disabled people and people with additional needs are particularly welcome to apply.
Buddies call or meet up on zoom and do fun activities of their choice, from a zoom quiz, craft activities, to online yoga together, whatever you fancy.
Our UK wide buddying scheme is currently only able to operate virtually.
For young people looking to make a new friend and their parents/carers.
For everyone 16+ looking to take on a more supportive buddy role.