Perceptive, trustworthy, and focused on impact
We pride ourselves on offering a service of the highest quality - delivering training, workshops and tailored consultancy - and, as an organisation focused on inclusion, you can be sure that we will adapt carefully to your specific environment, needs, and participants.
KEEN offers your organisation the knowledge, passion and experience of individuals committed to the benefits of inclusivity and with a strong track record in delivering them. Not only does inclusivity add to organisations, it’s a principle worth striving for.
All income from our fees goes directly back into our work helping to make society more inclusive.
Scroll down to see some of our previous clients, and to find out more about how we could add to your organisation.
What we offer and prices:
For non-profit organizations - 20% off
Corporate sponsors - 30% off
Partnerships - 20% off
Student group discount- 20% off
Note: groups can only have one discount, these discounts are not stackable, restriction may apply.
Disability Inclusion Awareness Workshop , 2.5-3 Hours - cost: approx. £300-£350
Disabled Young People and Children Awareness Workshop, 3-4 hours- cost: approx. £400
Working with Disabled Young People Workshop - 2.5 hours- cost: approx. £300
Creating an Inclusive Workplace Workshop - 3 hours- cost: approx. £350
Autism and Other Neurodiversity Workshop 3 hours -cost: approx. £350
Public Facing Staff Training for Disability Inclusion Workshop 4 hours- cost: approx. £400
Disability and Intersectionality Workshop (can be customised to your organization's goals), 2-4 hours - cost: approx. £300-£450
Empowering Disabled Young People Workshop 2 hours - cost: approx. £300
Disability - Lived Experiences in… (2 hours)
Higher Education. Cost: approx. £300
Voluntary Sector. Cost: approx. £300
Activist and Justice Spaces. Cost: approx. £300
Job Hunting. Cost: approx.£300
In the Non-Profit Sector. Cost: approx. £300
Custom Workshop Available, please contact the Impact and Development Officer, at, to discuss your idea and get a quote.
(Note: Extra charges may apply for in-person workshops instead of online workshops dependent on location etc.)
Website Accessibility Consultancy - cost: £300
Workplace Accessibility Consultancy - cost: approx. £450 ( cost may be higher dependent on location)
Inclusive Hiring Policies and Practices Consultancy - cost: £400
Disability Inclusion Consultancy - cost: £350-£400
EDI Policy with Speciality in Disability Inclusion Consultancy - cost: £350
Social Media Accessibility Consultancy - cost: £350
Any combination of our consultancy services or custom service. Please contact the Impact and Development Officer,, to discuss your idea and receive a quote.
Any further questions or inquiries please contact the Impact and Development Officer at