Virtual KEEN
Virtual KEEN has been central to our response to coronavirus since March 2020. With well over 500 sessions taking place since then at a rate of more than one a day, and thousands of hours of contact time and fun generated by them, it has been a huge success.
Recently added:
KEEN Buddies
GrEAT Social
Weekly project club for adults. A mix of ambitious long term projects and themed sessions.
Twice weekly physical activity and sports sessions, for young people aged 4-12 and 13-25.
Anything additional to our regular projects. That has included a treasure hunt and the KEEN Olympics.
Recently added:
Physical activity
GrEAT Social
Weekly project club for adults. A mix of ambitious long term projects and themed sessions.
Twice weekly physical activity and sports sessions, for young people aged 4-12 and 13-25.
GrEAT Sports
Tuesday evening sports session aimed at adults. Focused on physical activity and confidence.
Creative and play
Weekly creative play and arts workshop for ages 4-13. Adventures take us on risky missions and challenges!
INK Oxford
Weekly workshops all year round. Builds confidence and ideas through creative arts and social enterprise.
KEEN Gardening
Weekly at our allotment, and open to all ages. Aims to get all participants active, engaged, and learning.