2018/19 facts and figures
We reached 310 participants with additional needs, more than ever before.
of participants surveyed told us that the service we provide is excellent
In total, 692 different participants took part in our programme
Our team included 16 people with additional needs in positions of leadership or responsibility.
of our core sessions involved direct work with partners in community locations.
of families told us they would definitely not have the kind of opportunities we offer if KEEN did not exist.
We added 3 new projects to our programme: gardening, an arts based social enterprise, and an after-school club in partnership with Mabel Prichard School!
university clubs supported our sports sessions. Thank you!
We ran
different internship and placement programmes involving 59 people.
regular givers supported us, without whom KEEN could certainly not exist!
462 team members gave 4680 hours to KEEN, a contribution in kind of £46,900 (calculated using the Oxford living wage).
95% of our regular participants and their families have given us direct feedback.
different people were involved in organising
fantastic fundraising events for KEEN!