Virtual Session Buddy Top Tips
“everyone who comes to KEEN will learn something from it”
Our Virtual Session Buddies are very important people…but what do they do, and how can you be the best Session Buddy ever?
Session Buddies come along to our activities, take part, get to know everybody and offer a supporting role where necessary.
It’s a simple (but fun) way to get involved for the first time, but we know it can be a little daunting joining. This is why we’ve pulled together our top tips for being a brilliant session buddy.
1 - Realise the best thing you can do is come along with your camera and mic on, with mountains of enthusiasm and a big smile on your face. The more you are enjoying it, the more everybody else will enjoy it. At KEEN, no amount of energy or silliness is too much.
2 - It’s natural to be a little nervous or feel awkward at first, so prepare in advance some good conversation starters, jokes, or fun facts you can have up your sleeve. If you’d like more specific guidance, you can always speak to the coordinator and ask what you can do to help. Could you be a character in the story? Run the warm up? Lead a group on your own?
3 - Always be aware of how you can make the online sessions more inclusive. Here’s some of our tips below:
Demonstrations are key! Make sure everybody can follow along.
Describe what you are doing clearly (i.e. ‘now I’m going to lift my hands up and bend to the side’ rather than ‘now copy me’).
Be flexible! Things change, be prepared to adapt the session if people are finding things too easy or difficult.
Outline at the start how the session will work. It can be helpful to also put this in the chat for reference. It helps the coordinator if a Session Buddy does this!
4 - Remember, by just being there and taking part with everybody else, you are making a huge difference. We hope it will help you become healthier, happier and more confident but if you would ever like more support or guidance, just get in touch!
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