Due to coronavirus restrictions across the UK, this project is currently paused. The information below refers to project activities up until March 2020. Since March 2020, Virtual KEEN has provided as a replacement a busy, daily programme of interactive projects across all areas of social and recreational activity, and this is detailed in Fact file: Virtual KEEN. We look forward to bringing KEEN Teens back on the ground in 2021!
Project overview
KEEN Teens is our weekly Monday project club for young people aged 10-19. Sessions are a mix of ambitious longer term projects and one-off themed sessions, including getting out and about.

Yearly number of sessions: 22
Last year increase in average session attendance: 116%
Current disabled session buddies and leaders: 2
Average attendance
Contact hours created
Key outcomes (last 12 months)
These are the key positive differences (outcomes) achieved by the project.
69% of families reported an improvement in 9 or more of the 10 key areas of their participant’s wellbeing that we monitor.
46% of families reported an improvement in their participant’s ability to focus on longer term projects.
69% of participants reported an improvement in their participant’s willingness to try new things.
91% of session buddies agreed that participating at KEEN Teens has brought them closer to people in the Oxford community that they wouldn't otherwise have met.
Communicated through a range of media including quotes, videos, and audio, these are the stories of KEEN's beneficiaries which show how this project makes a difference.
“The buddy system at KEEN has made a huge difference to our girls- being with enthusiastic young people with energy and empathy has really boosted their self-esteem and mental well-being.”
Recent developments
This section includes information on recent changes which we have made to this project to improve it!
KEEN Teens has developed substantially as a result of our partnership with Youth Ambition (Oxford City Council). Apart from the minibus service, they have also helped us to refine and improve our monitoring and evaluation methodology.
Another big change this year was a focus on longer, more ambitious projects, a good example being a series of short film making workshops which culminated in a viewing at Modern Art Oxford.
Future plans
This section includes information on our upcoming plans for this project. How we see it developing of the next 6-12 months and what actions we are taking to achieve this.
A greater proportion of participants from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
Work with Youth Ambition to translate our understanding and expertise into their own ‘mainstream’ activities around the city.
Undertake another series of ambitious and meaningful projects!