Why start a branch?
KEEN wants to start a national movement of inclusion. Branches enable this vision become a reality - bringing national change on a local level.
Each KEEN branch has its own committee to run projects suited to the local community. Your KEEN branch might partner with a local sports or drama club to run inclusive sessions, or promote #ShareOneWorld through work with local schools and youth groups. There are so many options!
How to get started
Step 1. Sign up!
Whether you are applying as a ready formed committee or passionate individual, fill in our application form or send us an email at branches@keenuk.org. Our branch team Alana and Hannah will be happy to help!
Step 2. Support and recruitment
In our experience, new branches are most successful when they have three or more people in their first committee. We can provide the support and resources needed to recruit and start your projects. To get you started we will provide you with a KEEN email, webpage, branch logo as well as £150!
Step 3. Get started!
We’ll be there to support you and your committee as you get stuck into your projects, whether they support #ShareOneWorld, Code4Inclusion, Inclusive Sessions, or pursue a novel idea!
KEEN in schools
We love to see young people in schools joining our movement to make society more inclusive. You can set up your very own KEEN Club!
Being a member of a KEEN Club is hugely rewarding as you will feel part of a team, make friends and gain skills like team work, public speaking, critical thinking and organisation. It can also contribute to your CV, UCAS application or the Duke of Edinburgh Award!
Teachers: Setting up a KEEN Club for your school can create lasting impact and is a fantastic opportunity for students! Search here to see if there is a local KEEN branch that your school could establish a partnership with.
How to set up a KEEN Club in your school:
1. Decide where to focus
Could you partner with an existing club in school? Perhaps you'd like to help promote our #ShareOneWorld project? Maybe you’ll start small with a monthly lunchtime club that’s fully inclusive?
Discuss ideas with your KEEN Branch Officers, Alana and Hannah.
2. Start recruiting!
Encourage your friends to join your KEEN Club and get a teacher on-board who will support your initiative. Perhaps you’d like to use our tailored resources to run an assembly or PSHE session on what inclusion is, and why it’s important?
3. Schedule a time for your KEEN Club to meet and get going!
Sort out your pilot session time and date, and take the plunge! Let us know how you get on, and update us on your progress using the @loveinclusion Instagram page!
Frequently asked questions
What will my club focus on?
It’s up to you! There are three main pathways to choose from but you can focus on any number of them.
Create inclusion: This involves running events and activities in your school. It may include an assembly on inclusion presented by the KEEN club, or inviting a local charity to give a talk. Check out our resources page for more ideas!
Support inclusion: Work with existing clubs and societies to foster inclusion. You could set up a weekly visit to a local elderly people’s home or special needs school.
Promote inclusion: Become #ShareOneWorld Pledge-Makers and promote the campaign in your school Promote Virtual KEEN activities in your local area
Who will run my club?
Both teachers and students can set up and manage their own KEEN clubs and will be given a direct point of contact within a branch. This means you can report progress and receive advice on any challenges you might face.
How will my club be supported?
Your club will be given a #ShareOneWorld project pack which includes step by step guides to learn more about and promote inclusion in your school and community. You will also have access to lesson plans, quizzes, posters, and more to put up around your school! Your school will also receive a monthly bulletin with all the latest projects and information about KEEN!
What are the future opportunities for my KEEN Club?
Once your club’s been established for a while, you may consider expanding it by connecting with other local schools. Or, you could see if there’s a KEEN branch nearby and form a partnership with them - if there’s not an existing branch consider starting a new one! More information on how to start a branch can be found at the top of this page.
Branch news
More ways to get involved
There are plenty of other ways that you can get involved with KEEN UK from wherever you are in the country!
If you have other ideas about how you would like to get involved in an area where there isn’t currently a KEEN UK branch, please contact us at keen@keenuk.org